[Amps] power and db

DAVE WHITE mausoptik at btinternet.com
Wed Feb 4 15:31:46 EST 2009

Probably so - in theory - and a conservatively run amp will run for far longer than one which is being thrashed to death.  The amp that's on the bench for repairs or awaiting components when KP1 (the last one I need) comes on the air is of no use to me.

However - in a quote I believe was atttributed to a certain Prof. A. Einstein - "In theory, theory and practice are the same thing.  In practice they're not."

In practice I'm sure that the human ear can discern a couple of dB if the signal is marginal.  In theory this would be nonsense but it seems to hold true for me particularly on 160m.

The Hot-Rodders all tell us that there's no substitute for cubic inches and I personally don't believe there's any substitute for Watts ERP.  

Get it however you can, I think those little watts all count.  They certainly do in Europe where we have to compete with the Italians......

Dave G0OIL

--- On Wed, 4/2/09, Paul Kraemer <elespe at lisco.com> wrote:
From: Paul Kraemer <elespe at lisco.com>
Subject: [Amps] power and db
To: "AMPS" <amps at contesting.com>
Date: Wednesday, 4 February, 2009, 4:26 PM

Did I miss something in school? Probably. All the discussions on modifying 
linears for a few more watts seems ridiculous, or at least frivolous. db=10 
log P1 /P2 still applies doesn't it?
Double the actual output power rating of that fine L 4 or SB220 from 1000 w 
to 2000 w will only increase your signal strength on the receiving end by 
3db, 1/2 s unit.
IF you could increase your output fourfold, 4000 watss output (that would be 
illegal) you would only gain one S unit.
Attempt to do either and you will only exponentially increase your problems.
Have all the fun you want but increasing output on a kw linear by a couple 
hundred watts just doesn't improve anything.
Like the man says, work on your antenna where you can make a difference.
And, if you are really disappointed with that L4 or SB220 you could send it 
here. I'd like it just the way it is.
Paul K0UYA 

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