[Amps] Genie Opener

Ryan Foster foster.ryan at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 17:18:11 EST 2009

Hmm--  I thought he meant originator as in product creator, (Genie)
not the post originator.  I can't imagine anyone criticizing the post
originator for asking for help and suggestions.  If he was, well,
someone really has to cool off and realize that they will one day not
know something and need help too.

(I am shocked to know that their are hams out there that don't have a
junk box with suitable caps though!  :-D  )

--Ryan w8cya

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 4:14 PM, Jim Brown <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Feb 2009 19:38:25 -0000, Bob Maser wrote:
>>Why doesn't the originator just climb up on a step ladder
>>and spend 2 minutes loosening 2 screws and put the &#@#! cap across the
> This may come as a shock, but not all hams have a junk box that includes
> suitable capacitors, nor do all hams have 24 hours a day to devote to a
> hobby. When I'm trying to solve a problem, I often do research in
> advance of implementing a solution.
> His most recent post thanked us for our advice and said he was going to
> follow it. My two posts on the topic reinforced your advice re: the
> capacitor. :)

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