[Amps] Vintage Bandswitches; for Homebrew

Pat Barthelow aa6eg at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 7 12:10:54 PST 2009

Since I was a kid, I usually had in the junkbox (garage)  WWII vintage QRO parts and various boxes.   There were lots of various tuner boxes that I later learned were often installed in B-17s and other bombers.  The construction was MASSIVE, but a bit crude, at least cosmetically... no Silver plating, and dainty precision formed contacts here.  There was a common bandswitch in a tuner that I found a crude picture of on the web:
That had large, heavy contacts, and wipers,  heavily tin plated, and massive ceramic structures.   Simple plain, large, but robust.  Are there any plusses or minuses that folks have exprienced in using this switch in a home brew QRO amp?
Pat, AA6EG

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