[Amps] Ten Tec Titan II Blower Replacement?

Roger sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
Mon Feb 9 03:55:36 PST 2009

N7KA at comcast.net wrote:
> An approach that might work is to look in Yellow pages under Electric Motors, Repairs and Parts (or similar section) and see if there is a motor repait shop anywhere near you.  I know someone that was in the motor repair business and that included rewinding the coils.  I will be seeing that person toward the end of the month and will ask some questions of him. 
I take some motors into the local Ace Hardware store and they often have 
something that fits and with the same ratings.

Also as mentioned above, try out the motor repair places around your 
area. Most cities of much size will have one or be near one.


Roger (K8RI)
> It seems amp mfrs are using small mfrs of blowers and possibly get special runs which later become unobtainium.  If anyone has success getting a blower rebuilt please ask if they will accept these small jobs from others and then publish info.  I have a noisy blower in a TITAN-425 that may be needing repair/rebuild soon. 
> Arne N7KA 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jeff Maass" <jmaass at k8nd.com> 
> To: amps at contesting.com 
> Cc: "W0CG Geoff Howard" <ghoward at kent.edu> 
> Sent: Sunday, February 8, 2009 11:58:32 PM GMT +00:00 Casablanca / Monrovia 
> Subject: [Amps] Ten Tec Titan II Blower Replacement? 
> The blower in the Titan II amp at PJ2T has died, and direct replacements are not available 
> from any source. The blower is not marked for manufacturer, model, or CFM (or other) 
> ratings 
> What have others used to substitute? I know that there have been some using squirrel cage 
> blowers through dryer hose. What are the ratings of blowers used successfully? 
> Out high ambient temperatures on Curacao (typically between 90 and 100 degF in the shack 
> during contest operation) makes amplifier cooling pretty critical! 
> 73, Jeff  K8ND 
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