[Amps] 1625

Glen Zook gzook at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 12 12:30:46 PST 2009

I pulled my original SSB Manual and you are correct, the original "Four In Line" was grid driven.  There was an article in QST in the late 1950s or early 1960s that told how to convert this linear (or build a new version) using grounded grid.  The instructions for modifying the 1625 tubes was included.  For some reason, I modified some 1625 tubes but never got around to building the linear!  This was when I was in high school.

I found a couple of those tubes when I was trying to clean up the shack a few months ago!

Glen, K9STH

Website:  http://k9sth.com

--- On Thu, 2/12/09, Gary Schafer <garyschafer at comcast.net> wrote:

The "four in line" was four 1625s mounted in line that were grid driven in push pull parallel arrangement. Each side of the push pull circuit had two tubes in parallel.
Getting old when you remember this stuff.


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