[Amps] SB-220 troubles
Scott McGrath
mcgrath at fas.harvard.edu
Fri Feb 13 07:53:41 PST 2009
The idiot who gets killed will be someone 2 days and no sleep into a
contest when they lose a tube and want to quickly switch it
out forgetting in their fatigued state to discharge the caps to
ground, They will discharge to ground alright, Right through the
newly minted SK might want to think about that scenario instead of kids
migght be screwing around with gear.
Yes I am one of those safety first guys also a engineer by training and
spent a lot of time in the aviation industry where there are no second
chances to do it right - disabling a last resort safety system is just
a bad idea on so many levels
bypassing during maintenance ok, disabling not ok.
Just my 0.02
Scott N1JIN
Jeff Carter wrote:
> That's why I left the HV "protection" out of mine when I built it.
> I got called many, many bad names for doing that by the "Safety First"
> crowd. However, I've always worked around HV, and I've worked on this
> SB-220 with the HV running.
> I still maintain that there's little to no actual benefit to that
> "protection" arrangement when seen in contrast with the damage that
> will most certainly occur when it is tripped.
> I can't see the situation under which a child young enough not to know
> better could get access to my house, then access the equipment, take
> the amp out of the case, and then take twelve screws out of the top
> screen with no tools, all while doing the heavy lifting (this amp
> probably weighs 50 pounds).
> Any adult who does this, in clear violation of my brand new and
> purchased just for this amplifier High Voltage sticker, deserves what
> he/she gets. I'm not going to put all my hard work at risk just to
> protect some theoretical idiot.
> Jeff/KD4RBG
> http://www.kd4rbg.com
> ---- Original message ----
>> Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 15:11:24 -0500
>> From: "Carl" <km1h at jeremy.mv.com>
>> Subject: Re: [Amps] SB-220 troubles
>> First time I did that it took out the zener, several diodes, and the .82
>> Ohm resistor by the time a breaker popped. Luckily the Multimeter was
>> not in the grid position. Replaced parts and it ran fine for years as
>> the second radio contest amp.
>> The second time it blew almost every HV diode and again they were
>> replaced with higher rated ones, 1N5408's in this case. Finally, and not
>> trusting my gray matter at 3AM I just bent the bar down.
>> Never did have to replace a filter cap and that amp got beat on pretty
>> hard.
>> Carl
>> KM1H
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