[Amps] Step Start Relay

Adrian Rees (MW1LCR) rees.a at btconnect.com
Fri Feb 13 09:06:37 PST 2009

Hi all

I am near completion of the re-build of the power supply of my Dentron
ML2500 linear, and all is well. I now wish to add a Step Start facility.
However, there is limited space within the case of the linear so an
external step start would be in order. (I also have a TL922 as well as a
home brew 144MHz Linear, all of which would benefit from a step start

I was wondering what duration of delay to use with the step start. I
think about 250mS - 500mS would be about right. What are the groups
thoughts on this ?

I have a delay relay that will do the job, as its contacts are rated at
500v at 16A (AC), although the shortest delay on this relay is 1 second.

Thoughts anyone ?


Adrian MW1LCR 

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