[Amps] Amp Design Question...

KB0NLY kb0nly at mchsi.com
Sat Feb 14 00:22:34 PST 2009

Looking around the web tonight for 6m amp designs using the GI-7B and i came across this schematic...


I understand the schematic except for one thing..  At the top middle where the connection for +Va is shown it comes down to a second connection point and then it shows a ground to the left and a connection to what appears to be a large cap to the right, i assume its a capacitor as that makes the most sense but these foreign guys use different symbols for stuff sometimes.  Why is that second connection point with the (o) and a ground connection to each side there?  Seems to be a dead short for the HV.

He also doesn't mention what the value of this capacitor labeled as Ca should be.  I know, this could be a stupid NOOBIE question but these foreign designs are always so sparse on the information and there is hardly any explanation, etc..

I like his design overall though, looks fairly simple, thinking i could do my SB-200 conversion so its a 6m/2m amp in one.  If anyone has built one of these please pass along any info you have!  A picture says ten thousand words for me.



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