[Amps] I have unbuilt SB-220 complete anyone interested?

chas chasm at texas.net
Sun Feb 15 15:16:13 PST 2009

KB0NLY wrote:
> Your Welcome!
> Scott
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Van K7VS" <wa7fab at cdsnet.net>
> To: "KB0NLY" <kb0nly at mchsi.com>
> Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2009 8:38 AM
> Subject: Re: [Amps] I have unbuilt SB-220 complete anyone interested?
> thanks, that did it.  Have a nice day.  Van

now, assuming this unbuilt ebay kit makes it to $1,000 in the next 3 
hours, how much is a complete set of mods from Harbach, Measures, etc???
In fact, this "number" is why I have not opted to buy and rebuild a 
"used" set already.  I am guessing that it would cost about $600 with 
new caps, tubes, transformer etc.

point is, I could likely buy a Henry or an Alpha for what a modded and 
updated 220 would cost.  I am so glad that i have my SB-220 with the 
Dahl transformer, etc but am not sure that I would spend what it would 
cost TODAY to do it again..


chasm at texas.net   k5dam  Houston, TX

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   -  Margaret Thatcher

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