[Amps] Remote power supply question

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Thu Feb 19 02:42:12 PST 2009

>> I strongly agree with Rick K2XT about using the same multi-way connector
>> for ground, B-minus and the control line that energizes the HV mains
>> relay. This ensures that HV cannot appear unless the supply also has its
>> B-minus and safety ground returns.
>> For remote HV supplies I am *strongly* recommending coaxial HV
>> connectors which again guarantee a safety ground.

Roger wrote:

>I believe one of the necessities, it if the HV line becomes disconnected
>the PS shuts down.  Actually I'd want the HV to be "crowbarred" to
>ground as soon as the connection is broken.

If the PSU has the safety interlock and the coaxial HV+ connection with 
a grounded shield, and also uses purpose-designed coaxial HV connectors 
that don't allow finger contact to an open plug or socket, those 
features will protect the user against most kinds of error and accident.

Are there any *specific* sequence(s) of events, not already covered by 
those features, that a "shutdown on disconnection" feature would protect 

Agreed that a crowbar shutdown will help to protect the tube and the 
PSU, but with a trigger level of 1-2A it can't do much to protect the 


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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