[Amps] Harris amps

David G4FTC g4ftc at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 19 15:41:00 PST 2009


> I am interested in possibly obtaining one of the Harris amps in the RF-10x 
> series. I have heard of people having great results with the RF-102A in 
> amateur service, at full amateur power, including coverage of 160M, but 
> don't know if anyone is marketing these as surplus, or... Nothing shows up 
> on E-bay.

I have an RF-104 which I use as the main station amplifier. The RF deck is the same as the RF-103 with a single gg 3-1000Z.


As standard they don't cover 160m although the 2 to 2.5MHz band position will allow the amp to be tuned down to about 1.75MHz. The 2 to 2.5MHz band switch position can be modified to tuen the whole of the 160m band with the addition of a single capacitor to the input circuit and a couple of capacitors to the output tank circuit. I found trying to fit the capacitor to the input circuit to be a right *!$^%


However these amps are only rated a 1kW output - I think you'll be pushed to get 1500 Watts out. Another downside is that the blower is relatively noisy.


But it will deliver 1kW continously without any sort of complaint. They were designed for the top end commercial market - Embassies and the like who wanted reliable point to point communications.


As to availability - they do occasionally appear on Ebay, and sometimes in the surplus houses. They are all at least 30 years old by now and probably most ended their days in scrap yards, sold for the metal.


If you do get hold of an RF-104, there's some info on my website http://www.g4ftc.co.uk/amplifiers/rf104/home.htm which may be useful. The amp as standard requires +12V to key it, but can easily be modified for ground keying as is common amateur practise.




David G4FTC







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