[Amps] turns = henries question

Gary Smith Gary at doctorgary.net
Sat Feb 21 16:33:11 PST 2009

Thanks for the on & off list replies,

As I just mentioned in my most recent post, what exists that was in 
the amp is a plate choke which consists of 23 guage wire on a coil 
form of .676" OD. There are 45 turns per inch and the length of the 
windings on the coil form is 4.052" long.

The schematic calls for 60 uH and the tubes are a pair of 3cX800A7 
with 2.4 KV on the plate. On & off list replies say this kind of coil 
equates to a higher value in uH but the schematic says 60 uH so I'm 
kinda lost at this point. 

The schematic has erred before so perhaps this is but another mis-
value on the schematic? Ie: This same schematic calls for a 40 meter 
padder cap on the 40 meters but none is present from the factory.



> > I don't know how many turns of the 23 guage on this coil form will
> > give me 60uH. Can anyone help me out on this?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Gary
> > KA1J
> On that form you have, 4.25 inches tightly wound comes out to 90 uh.
> One half of that length would be 45 uh. You can do the math to get to your
> needed 60 uh.
> (((73)))
> Phil, K5PC
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