[Amps] Minimum Value of RF Plate Chokes

pfizenmayer pfizenmayer at qwest.net
Thu Feb 26 18:51:20 PST 2009


> Now if we pick a Q of 100 for the choke , Rp will be 226200 ohms (Rp=QXp) 
> so
> for a RMS plate swing of say 2000 volts the power lost in the choke will 
> be
> 17.7 watts.  (2000 squared/226200). The RMS RF current in the choke will 
> be
> 8.8 ma.
The RF current thru the choke is 2000/2262 or more like 880 ma  NOT  8.8 ma.

Thanks to Peter G3ZRP for catching this.

NO excuse - it did not sound right or pass what my old boss used to call the 
sniff test - but I was rushing . Thas what i get.

73 Hank K7HP

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