[Amps] 5cx1500 Amp

Dino Darling dino at kx6d.com
Fri Jan 2 13:03:19 EST 2009

This is a conversion of an RF Plasma Products, rf plasma 
generator.  I got three of those.  Obviously a multi-band unit with a 
bunch of mods.  Originally it would have been three phase.  Need tubes?

No idea of any articles however. Sorry.

At 09:16 AM 1/2/2009, Robert Perdue wrote:
>I can figure it out and it does work very well I just thought it 
>would be nice to find out if it was built from an old handbook 
>article or if there were others out there running the same tube. See 
>the attached pictures. The amp was built by a silent key KB0BY
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Dino Darling" <dino at kx6d.com>
>To: "Robert Perdue" <kc0hfl at cox.net>
>Cc: <Amps at contesting.com>
>Sent: Friday, January 02, 2009 11:04 AM
>Subject: Re: [Amps] 5cx1500 Amp
>>I would think this should be easy to figure out if you have 
>>amplifier experience.
>>One box should be the power supply and the other the RF deck.  The 
>>tube is a Pentode which means the drive levels will be real 
>>low.  With some careful poking around you should be able to see 
>>what the power supply is capable of.  Does the RF deck have 
>>multiple taps or is it a monoband amp?
>>Take and post pictures!  Send them to me and I'll post them on my website.
>>Dino - KX6D
>>At 05:46 AM 1/2/2009, Robert Perdue wrote:
>>>I picked up a homebrew 5cx1500 amp from a silent key but 
>>>unfortunately there is no documentation I checked in a few 
>>>handbooks I have for construction articles but no luck. Does 
>>>anyone know where I could find articles on this amp? It is a well 
>>>built 2 piece unit. Thanks.
>>>73,Bob kc0hfl
>>>Amps mailing list
>>>Amps at contesting.com
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>>Dino - KX6D
>>dino at kx6d.com
>>(please note my new e-mail address and update your address books)
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Dino - KX6D
dino at kx6d.com
(please note my new e-mail address and update your address books) 

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