[Amps] B&W "HD" Series Jumbo Banana Plug

Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Sun Jan 18 12:18:42 EST 2009

After spending a considerable amount of time in trying to determine if
someone still, after 60 years, made large banana-style plugs, I
discovered that the exact part as used in the high-power B&W coil sets is
still made in Waseca, MN by Johnson Components (ex-E.F. Johnson and now a
division of Emerson Power).  These parts are called "Jumbo" banana 
components and are 2x the diameter of the standard 4 mm. banana type.

The jumbo plug P/N is 108-0771-001
The mating jumbo socket is 108-0760-001

Both items are available through Newark Electronics.

What clued me in to Johnson is that based old advertising literature, the 
exact same coil sets were sold
under both the Johnson and B&W brands.  Only, the pin is something more akin 
to a product E.F. Johnson would have produced -- and not B&W.  In a last 
ditch attempt this morning, the word "jumbo" came to mind, and there it was 
in the search engine.  Same part still made today.

Newark sells the plugs for roughly $2.40 ea. in quantities and about $7 for 
the mating jack.  Not cheap, but when beggars can't be choosers...

Part of my reason for posting is to get this information archived in the 
search engines and the AMPS archives so others won't have to go through this 
painful search.

Paul, W9AC

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