[Amps] Plate bypass caps

Roger sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
Mon Jan 19 22:42:04 EST 2009

Carl wrote:
> Its even more fun when you are playing with Class C AM; a mode I have
> been enjoying lately again. Above a certain value you are beginning to
> shunt the audio riding on the DC (on both sides of the choke btw) and
> start sounding like the space shuttle.
> There is nothing more relaxing on a winter day than watching 304TL's 
> modulating 250TH's.

Ah, come on Carl. If you like that glow, get a pair of 6C21s<:-)) They 
drive with no more than a slight breeze, and are a real challenge to 
neutralize on more than 3 bands at a time.  I think the cathode emission 
is something like 30 Amps although they are somewhat limited by that 600 
watt, tungsten anode.  And to think, I used tog et them for $5 each.

"Long time ago", I used a single 6C21 on 80-20 for a short time before 
replacing it with a pair of 813s in GG.  The grid used a bundle of  
large, carbon resistors that pretty much served as a dummy load with the 
voltage driving the tube.  On my first transmission I forgot to turn the 
gain back down on the HT-37.  It didn't melt a hole in the plate, it 
blew a hole in it. The tube was just setting there when all of a sudden 
(and on the first syllable I think) about a third of the plate just 
disappeared.  The 800 ma plate meter hit the pin so hard I had to take 
it apart to get it to work again. 

I stuck in another 6C21, made sure to start with the mike gain at zero 
and it worked quite well. Of course I have no idea as to the IM figures, 
but my guess is they weren't all that good. I do know that another ham 
lived 4 houses down and across the street from us. When I used the amp 
on 40 he couldn't operate on 40, so I tried to stay on the other bands 
when he was home.


Roger (K8RI)
> Ceramic tubes take all the "romance" out of QRO.
> Carl
> KM1H 
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