[Amps] SB-220 Drive Levels

Bob Alexander realex at flash.net
Thu Jan 22 20:28:44 EST 2009

Jeff Carter wrote:
> Can anyone tell me how much drive the SB-220 needs to make 1.5KW?
> I've seen several references that 100W isn't enough drive for this
> amp.  How much would it take?
> Jeff/KD4RBG
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1200 Watts out is about the max an SB220 will do.

One should remember the amp was built at a time when 1000 W DC input was 
the legal limit and all instructions
in the manual reflect this limit.

On 20 meters  in the SSB mode with 95 watts drive, I get 1200 out.  Been 
running it that way  on CW ever since the input limit
went up and have never had any problems

Bob, W5AH

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