[Amps] Dumb question #37b - DC filament

Paul Kraemer elespe at lisco.com
Fri Jan 23 17:38:28 EST 2009

Unless you use a center tap pos / pos scheme you will pull more electrons 
off one side of cathode than other and you may introduce hum, assuming 
directly heated cathode type tube.
Also you are wanting a low voltage probably high current regulator with it's 
large heat sink.
AC regulators with a triac to adjust and regulate the transformer primary 
aren't that difficult to do.
Paul K0UYA
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gary Hinson" <Gary at isect.com>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 4:23 PM
Subject: [Amps] Dumb question #37b - DC filament

> Hi all.
> I'm contemplating how best to regulate the filament voltages on my amps, 
> and
> curious as to whether it's possible/sensible to use a regulated DC supply
> instead of the usual AC.  Regulating DC is "easy".  It's just a heater,
> right?  If there is a blindingly obvious reason why I shouldn't, then fine
> go ahead and blind me.
> 73
> Gary  ZL2iFB
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