[Amps] Sweep tube amp

Angel Vilaseca avilaseca at bluewin.ch
Fri Jul 3 02:37:05 PDT 2009


Nice idea to write a book about this subject. What could be more in the 
ham spirit than to squeeze some industrial surplus (tubes and other 
things) into ham service?

In a TV set, the line output power tube used to work in pulsed service 
with a duty cycle of maybe 10 %. Additional circuitry, including the 
line output power transformer would then transform this pulse into the 
sawtooth needed by the image tube.

Whole families of tubes were developed for this particular use and mass 
produced. But they tend to become scarce these days.

In a sweep tube amp, due to this pulsed mode feature, the PEP can indeed 
be quite high and to some extent, sweep tubes can be used to amplify an 
unclipped voice signal in SSB. But better not try RTTY, SSTV or AM with 
a sweep tube amp.

On the other hand, I would expect my sweep tube amp to be a real 
performer on the next Hellschreiber contest :-) !

73 de Angel Vilaseca HB9SLV

dennis12amplify at aol.com a écrit :
>  It was a no-bias sweep tube amp that used two tubes with 13 to 17?watt plate dissipations running at 100 watts,?(and more unless properly tuned). It was one of the 'dirtiest' amplifiers ever built and went thru tubes like a hot knife thru butter. Cherry red plates in 30 seconds of keydown time and no cooling fans!?? Back then, (1960's), those 6JG6 tubes only cost a dollar (or less in quantity) each so?the tube abuse?didn't mean much at the time, but if you price them now you will find?those tubes and all 'equivalent' tubes are?very rare and high priced. 

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