[Amps] Grounded Grid(Screen) 4CX250B power gain

Hsu hsu4qro at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 01:26:26 PDT 2009

Hi, Don
  Could you tell me how much power 
 to drive this amplifier? how much 
power output?your 4CX250B GG configation are same as I mentioned(screen as grid and the tied the grid and cathode together)?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <donroden at hiwaay.net>
To: "Hsu" <hsu4qro at gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2009 12:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Grounded Grid(Screen) 4CX250B power gain

In the sixties, I had a copy of a 30L-1 that used four 4cx250Bs in GG.

If I recall correctly, the first grids were grounded through 5 watt  
carbon 100 ohm resistors.  Otherwise you will burn out the grid at  
first rf.


Quoting Hsu <hsu4qro at gmail.com>:

>  Hi,
>  Anyone have experience in grounded grid  a pair 4CX250Bs amplifier?  
> could you tell me how much power gain of this configation?
>    This weekend, I'm planing to do a tube conversion in my friend's  
> Henry tempo 2001(a pair 3CX400A7),I have give up GI-7B due to its
>  larger volume.The only choise is 4CX250B.The gride driven  
> configation needs screen and grid power supply,so I want to  use G-G  
> configation
>  (gird+cathode as cathode,screen as grid,  due to the 4CX250B    
> grid's few power rating, it is low mu triode now).
>  But I don't know its exact power gain,anyone can tell me about  
> this?Thanks in advance!
>       73!
>           Hsu
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