[Amps] Cleaning Cigarette tar....?

Jim Barber audioguy at charter.net
Fri Jul 31 16:05:16 PDT 2009

Garden-variety "Formula 409" spray cleaner works for me. I've had good 
luck soaking cases, chassis etc. with it for 15 minutes or so, then 
either rinsing with clear water or wiping down with a fresh misting of 
409 and cotton towels.

Common-sense rules apply of course, but I've never had a reaction or 
staining problem with it.


Jim Barber, N7CXI

Rich Hallman - N7TR wrote:
> Picked up an amp the looks like its been around smokers.....Any thoughts
> on best way to try and clean up most of the tar / residue?
> Thanks...
> Rich N7TR
> ex KI3V, N3AMK, WB3JOV
> www.n7tr.com <http://www.n7tr.com> 
> Telnet: dxc.n7tr.com N7TR DXCluster
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