[Amps] Cleaning Cigarette tar....?

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Fri Jul 31 23:35:13 PDT 2009

K1TTT wrote:
>>  Picked up an amp the looks like its been around smokers.....Any thoughts
>> on best way to try and clean up most of the tar / residue?

Use a foaming cleaner that has been specifically formulated for the 
electronics industry, so it (probably) won't attack most common 
materials used in electronic equipment.

(Foaming shower cleaner, on the other hand, has only been formulated not 
to attack the materials used in showers. For example, it is very likely 
to contain acids to dissolve limescale, which an electronics cleaner 

In Europe, Servisol Foam Cleaner 30 is good. Data sheets are here:

Buy a LARGE can, and prepare for a horribly messy job involving LOTS of 
kitchen towel, toothbrushes etc, as Carl describes.

I once cleaned up an SB-220 that was so nicotine-stained, the metal 
discs on the control knobs had turned from aluminum to gold! The state 
of the fan was indescribable...

>A flame thrower comes to mind... or maybe an ultrasonic cleaner full of
>gasoline.  That is tough stuff and you can be sure it is down in every nook
>and cranny of the amp.
  It also oxidizes into a hard, insulating film. Contacts that have been 
left open for a long time are going to need special cleaning. Again, use 
a cleaner that has been specially formulated for the job.


73 from Ian GM3SEK         'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)

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