[Amps] WTB: Henry 3000D/2000D RF Generator/Amplifier

Shane Autrey iam4thapack at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 9 16:31:35 PDT 2009

I am in the market for (2) Henry 3000D/2000D RF Generators/Amplifiers. These can be complete with the 3 Phase HV supply or not if they are the 2000D. I will consider complete RF decks with the tube. I would prefer ones in the 13 MHz RF deck. If you have one or know of any for sell please let me know. These will be for ham use/conversion only. If my primary email does not work email me at iam4thapack at gmail.com or csautrey at NCSHP dot ORG
73 de Shane KI4M


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