[Amps] Tokyo Hy-Power HL-2.5KFX

Paul Decker kg7hf at comcast.net
Tue Mar 10 06:40:38 PDT 2009

Hi Riki, 

I don't own a complete HL-2.5KFX, however after reading the QEX article I contacted Nobuki Wakabayashi (JA1DJW) via email and asked him many questions.    He sent me a box full of hard to find parts (almost a full kit - power supply & control circuits)  to build my own  and a CD full of schematics, measurements, pictures  and design notes.   Looking through it, it looks like a fantastically well thought out piece of gear.    It is still basically unbuilt as I already have a HF amp and I'm playing on VHF now anyway. 

Hope that helps answer your question a little, 

Paul (kg7hf) 


From: "R. Kline" <k7nj at infowest.com> 
Subject: [Amps] Tokyo Hy-Power HL-2.5KFX 
To: amps at contesting.com 

I'm looking for objective evaluations and comments about this amplifier from 
people who have actually used one on-the-air. 
How does it work?  Good points? Bad points? Reliability? Workmanship? 
The only article that I've found is in QEX, but it just tells about its 
riki, K7NJ / 4X4NJ 

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