[Amps] Doorknob Caps Needed

Roger sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
Wed May 27 14:08:39 PDT 2009

> I have given up on the idea of repairing this cap. Does anyone
> have for sale or know a source of 100 pF 10 KV Doorknobs ?
What? You aren't willing to sacrifice your wife's oven for an experiment 
to gain knowledge.  Besides you may save the life of a $7 cap and it'll 
only cost $300-$500 to do so. <:-)) Well, then there's the property 
settlement on top of that...

Many sources have already been mentioned.  QRO parts also has a web site 
where you can deal with them directly rather than going through e-bay. 
> I need two of them.
> 73, Dick, W1KSZ
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