[Amps] Silver epoxy yes

Carl km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Fri May 29 16:53:41 PDT 2009

Thats got a good amount of truth to it Roger but I havent found it as bad as 
you seem to be painting it.

When I find conflicting info without a means to support either argument then 
I start asking questions or hit the reference sites which can also be hard 
to navigate.

With the number and quality on AMPS its not possible, any longer at least, 
to pull the misinformation gambit very long.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger" <sub1 at rogerhalstead.com>
Cc: "'Ham-amps'" <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Silver epoxy yes

> Carl wrote:
>> Thats because some lack the ability to do independent research and have 
>> to
>> depend on others to answer the questions.
>> I suspect it all begins back in the "Why mommy" days.
> Or it might have to do with trying to find technical information on
> something on Google for hours and being directed to commercial sites
> instead of informative ones. OTOH there is so much misinformation out
> there on technical subjects that you have to already know enough about
> the subject to weed out the misinformed and intentional misdirection.
> I've given up enough times that anymore I don't always think of Google
> to find things. To me, Google is no where near as useful as it was a
> couple years back. However if I want to purchase something, it'll come
> up with so many sites/sellers I then have to spend time finding out
> which ones are reputable.
> 73
> Roger (K8RI)
>> Im not picking on anybody, this is a pretty much standard problem on most
>> forums and subjects. Ive even seen flame wars break out when someone 
>> dared
>> suggest the questioner try Google!
>> Carl
>> KM1H
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Bill W5WVO" <w5wvo at cybermesa.net>
>> To: "Alex" <alexeban at gmail.com>; "'Carl'" <km1h at jeremy.mv.com>; 
>> "'Herzog'"
>> <herzog at frontiernet.net>; "'Ham-amps'" <amps at contesting.com>
>> Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 11:34 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Amps] Silver epoxy yes
>>> I don't get it. Why not just Google "silver epoxy"? You get a ton of 
>>> hits.
>>> This stufff is easy to find.
>>> Bill W5WVO
>>> Alex wrote:
>>>> Try the Stepan Company. They used to manufacture a few kinds of
>>>> silver epoxy years ago
>>>> Alex   4Z5KS
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: amps-bounces at contesting.com
>>>> [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Carl
>>>> Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 2:05 AM
>>>> To: Herzog; Ham-amps
>>>> Subject: Re: [Amps] Silver epoxy yes
>>>> Silver epoxy is still around. We used it to seal microwave modules
>>>> prior to going in the oven were it was cured and the modules then
>>>> final tested and shipped.
>>>> Carl
>>>> KM1H
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Herzog" <herzog at frontiernet.net>
>>>> To: "Ham-amps" <amps at contesting.com>
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 9:16 PM
>>>> Subject: [Amps] Silver epoxy yes
>>>>> RE: n Wed, May 27, 2009 at 10:44:44AM -0500, Roy wrote:
>>>>>>> "The piece that broke off fits into a well about 1/2" deep. No iron
>>>>> I have
>>>>>>> will reach it."
>>>>>>> 73, Dick, W1KSZ
>>>>> =========
>>>>> 25 years ago, there was a silver epoxy, that is silver particles in
>>>>> the mix.  We had a broken capacitor like that, and a brighit tech
>>>>> tried "epoxy-ing" it.  The thing worked.  It had poor clading as
>>>>> built, hence the failure.  It carried 100 amperes RF at 30 MHz.  I
>>>>> am still amazed. K2LB
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