[Amps] B- questions

Bill, W6WRT dezrat1242 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 11 11:16:36 PST 2009


On Tue, 10 Nov 2009 14:22:36 -0500, "David H Craig" <davidhcraig at verizon.net>

>    Then in this case your meter is in parallel with B- & ground and I
>expect would read the sum of grid & plate currents.


The rule is simple:

To avoid having the B- meter read grid current, connect the grid current meter
from ground to the side of the B- meter which goes to the cathode. If you
connect it to the other side of the B- meter, the B- meter will read the sum of
grid AND plate current, which you do not want.

73, Bill W6WRT

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