[Amps] Right Angle UHF Connector

Jim W7RY w7ry at arrl.net
Sun Nov 22 22:36:22 PST 2009

Agreed Bill!

But.... RG 142 or RG-400 is the same size of RG58 but has Teflon 
insulation.Easy to bend around the corners. I use it inside of my home-brew 
HF amplifiers for the output line for 1500 watts on RTTY. (So does Alpha and 
so does Paul, WD7S in all his amplifiers. Check out his web site). If Alpha 
used it, then it must be OK! Wink wink!   :)

Much better than using adapters!

Jim W7RY

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill, W6WRT" <dezrat1242 at yahoo.com>
To: "Amplifier Reflector" <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2009 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Right Angle UHF Connector

> On Sun, 22 Nov 2009 19:37:08 +0000, RICHARD SOLOMON <w1ksz at q.com> wrote:
>>I need to make a Right Angle bend coming out of a 6 Meter SB-220.
>>Is there a UHF Right Angle bend I could use or should I just make extra
>>room for the coax curve ?
>>The Right Angle UHF would make the installation neater.
> Amphenol makes them, but whatever you do, don't buy a cheapie from Radio 
> Shack.
> They won't handle the power. Don't ask how I know.  :-).
> Personally, I would do it with coax. Much cheaper and just as good.
> 73, Bill W6WRT
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