[Amps] QRO Parts

MIKE DURKIN patriot121 at msn.com
Mon Nov 23 22:20:35 PST 2009

Now that is Free Enterprise at work .... Thanks for the tip. 

The owner of QRO banned me from buying because i asked a question and had not purched from him/her. Considering i was still shopping for more parts - namely another 2 GI-7B's - Treating me rudely has driven me and my money else where.

Now the question i asked was where to get information regarding the plate impedance at 3.8KV. Im sure there must be a chart/graph to figure this out.


> No but I prefer to deal with Dr Alex, UR4LL.
> His prices are much better and if you have Skype, you can talk to him 
> live on camera and he will show you your purchase as you are buying 
> it. His service is excellent and payment is very easy.
> Go to http://www.nd2x.net/ur4ll.html and tell him I sent ya.
> 73, Alek
> At 01:41 PM 24/11/2009, MIKE DURKIN wrote:
> >Any one have a bad experiences with QRO ??? The supplier of russian 
> >tubes and part and stuff??
> >
> >Mike
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