[Amps] SB-220: 1,800 Watts Output ?

Glen Zook gzook at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 30 08:10:20 PST 2009

Actually, the SB-220 had the 10 meter band from the factory.  It was the SB-221 that had to be "modified" to get the 10 meter band.

The same with the SB-200/SB-201.  The SB-200 came with 10 meters and the SB-201 had to be modified.

The SB-200/SB-201 had a pair of 572B tubes; the SB-220/SB-221 had a pair of 3-500Z tubes; the SB-230 had a single 8873; and the SB-1000 had a single 3-500Z tube.

Glen, K9STH

Website:  http://k9sth.com

From: Charles Harpole <k4vud at hotmail.com>
Take it from me, ALL SB-220s had two 3-500s in them and only those. The SB-221 also had same, but had 10m.

The SB-200 had ONE 3-500.


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