[Amps] PEP Reading Wattmeter

Joe Barnes n4jbk at bellsouth.net
Fri Oct 2 05:35:24 PDT 2009

I've had most all of them as inexpensive as you like up to the Alpha's and the best by far is the Radio Craft 5000 pro.
I tested it against the Bird and the alpha for accuracy and I found no difference. 
It is is dual meter unit allowing you to read swr and power at the same time. 
It is a beautiful unit, reminding me quite a bit of the nye vikings only better.
Larger meters, better lighting ( cool blue). 
Will protect your amp against high vswr if you allow it too. 
It is auto ranging and the meters are nice and big for those who's eyes may not be what they once were.
It also has a remote sensor so coaxes aren't pulling the meter. 

I am way sold on them, I am fixing to buy another one to use on 6. 

73, Joe N4JBK

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