[Amps] Pictures of number 1

Paul Decker kg7hf at comcast.net
Thu Oct 8 06:29:43 PDT 2009

Here are some pictures of the work in progress.   It's not so pretty, but so far, everything inside is working.   There is still lots to do though. 

The underside, still quite a bit to do here with the input circuit. 

http ://home.comcast.net/~kg7hf/6m_3cx800a7_amp/build%20pictures/PIC_0247. JPG 

This is the control and metering section, I'm using a WS7D triode control board.  This section is almost done, you can see the filament transformer, monitor LED's , and control board.   There is also another low voltage transformer and rectifier for the switch mode supply.   Those large caps are 3900 uF @ 400V caps which are fed by a 1000v piv 35A bridge rectifier to produce the DC for the switcher.  Also, step start and HV (well medium voltage) relays are installed.. 

http ://home.comcast.net/~kg7hf/6m_3cx800a7_amp/build%20pictures/PIC_0250. JPG 

This picture is an overall picture but shows the RF deck and tubes as well as the blower.  The guts of the HV switcher will go to the right (under in this pic since the amp is on it's side) of the blower.   The transformer next to the blower allows 220 v operation since the blower is only 115 and I didn't want to run another wire to support both 110 and 220 in the cabinet...and yes, I did figure out later I don't need that transformer that I could get 110 from the center tap of a 220 input.  Live and learn! 

http ://home.comcast.net/~kg7hf/6m_3cx800a7_amp/build%20pictures/PIC_0254. JPG 

So, HV and RF deck next. 

Thanks for all the help, I've got at least a few more questions to ask before it's all over! 

Paul (KG7HF) 

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