[Amps] Eimac tube on the 'bay

Alek Petkovic vk6apk at bigpond.com
Tue Oct 13 14:47:07 PDT 2009

Yes we have 60A per phase capacity at our club premises. Mains power 
is not a problem.

Other than that, it is as you say. The power people don't like to run 
3 phase into residential properties. The easiest way to get it is if 
you run a groundwater bore. You need 3 phase to run the pump.

73, Alek.

At 10:39 PM 13/10/2009, mikea wrote:

>Of course, that ass-u-me-s that you have 3-phase going in. It's not easy
>to get the powerco here to run 3-phase to a residence. How is it there?
>Mike Andrews, W5EGO
>mikea at mikea.ath.cx
>Tired old sysadmin
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