[Amps] AL-1200 Relay Confusion

RICHARD SOLOMON w1ksz at q.com
Fri Oct 23 20:12:11 PDT 2009

Punched up old faithful to work someone on 160 and "nada" ??? No High
Voltage. Opened it up and find the relay that shorts the current surge
resistor was kaput (RY3).

A quick look at the circuit and parts list shows it as a 12 VDC Coil, BUT
the schematic shows the Coil across 110 vac. I can't read the relay
itself since the label is on the side affixed to the wall of the chassis.

Out of curiosity, I checked the schematic on the MFJ/Ameritron site
and RY3 is still spec'ed as a 12 vdc coil ??

The good news, Digi-Key has a suitable replacement in stock !!

73, Dick, W1KSZ

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