[Amps] The 304H

Edward Swynar gswynar at durham.net
Tue Sep 1 05:17:02 PDT 2009

Good Day All,

A good Ham radio friend of mine recently blessed me with a donation of three Heintz & Kaufmann 304H triodes (a near-carbon copy of the Eimac 304TH, according to Lud Sibley)...

Has anyone ever had any significant experience working with these old-timers...? I've seen a circuit in Orr's handbooks, where a pair of them were pressed into service as the p-p class-B final audio amplifier stage of a legal limit AM modulator---but only one single example in its use as a single-ended RF linear amplifier, in a 1954 CQ book on SSB techniques...

I think it has distinct possibilities for a low-band kilowatt-plus design---can anyone share their experiences in this regard with me...?

Thanks in advance, & my vy

~73!~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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