[Amps] The 304H

Edward Swynar gswynar at durham.net
Tue Sep 1 07:55:08 PDT 2009

On 1st September, Don wrote:

"...It's not worth the effort, as those OLD tubes are probably quite 'gassy'
from sitting around for so long."


Hi Don & Others,

Many thanks for all of the interesting comments & suggestions received re.
my request for info on the old H&K 304H triode transmitting tube...much

A common theme seems to be that these old "gassers" (pun intended!) are
probably good only for display purposes because of their age: well, that is
doubtlessly a fact with some of the older, big jugs like the 861, but do NOT
sell all of the classic oldtimers short like that!

I've just come upstairs to type this after listening to W1HLR & Co. on
75-meters AM, with my 2003-built homebrew 1929-style retro-superheterodyne
receiver...and it uses 12 globe / balloon tubes which were all designed (and
probably manufactured) in 1929, or sooner! (224A's, 227's. 245's, and a

OT radio fans will recall the Antique Wireless Association's successful
endaevor of a few years back when W2ZM & others re-constructed a 160-meter
4x204A MOPA transmitter in celebration of the Transatlantic radio tests of
the early 20's...the older-style of glass-enveloped 204A's were employed
(which were probably manufactured shortly after the tube's intro in, what,
1921...?), and by all accounts, the set-up worked flawlessly...

The long & the short is simply this: don't dump your "suspect" old
hollowstate active devices into the dumpster destined for the landfill
site---mail them to me!!! Hi Hi.

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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