[Amps] LK-500 Metering

donroden at hiwaay.net donroden at hiwaay.net
Wed Sep 2 07:47:07 PDT 2009

If a shunt opens across a meter, ALL the current goes through the meter.
( smoke and flames )


Quoting "Edwin Karl" <edk0kl at centurytel.net>:

> Look in the amplifier for a board that is in the front left corner of the
> cabinet.
> You will find 2- 5 watt resistors. One is for the Grid Current metering, the
> second
> is for the plate current, each are .3 ohms, one is plate metering shunt, the
> other
> is grid shunt.
> The meters are actually configured as voltmeters and measure drop across the
> shunts,
> in that way when the shunt opens a short flame does not appear in the meter
> case. The
> grid meter is in the HV return lead (- volts) that's why the meter is acting
> as it is.
> Parts are available from Mouser.
> Good Luck, we're all counting on you.
> 73!
> ed K0KL
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