[Amps] 4-1000A neutralization

kc0hfl at cox.net kc0hfl at cox.net
Thu Sep 3 17:30:21 PDT 2009

I have completed my 2 tube 4-1000A amp but am experiencing self 
oscillation when I apply plate voltage. My question is do I need to add 
a neutralization capacitor in the plate line? I reviewed all the 
schematics and artical's I used for research and found none to be used 
with the 4-1000 I did notice there use in the 3-500/3-400 amps. I am 
running the tubes grounded grid feeding the input thru .01 caps to each 
socket with a .01 across my input divider.  The entire cathode end of 
the tube is in a metal enclosure below the RF deck.  I also bypassed the 
filament leads going in the enclosure with .01 caps. Any ideas?

  Bob, kc0hfl

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