[Amps] 3CX800 and blower

Don Kessler ki6sz at sbcglobal.net
Mon Sep 7 10:08:59 PDT 2009

On Monday 07 September 2009 10:26:42 am David J Windisch wrote:
> Does a 3CX800A7 require airflow any time the filament is lit, like, say,
> 3-500Z glass tubes with tender seals and 70-watt filaments?
> I'm thinking of leaving the (unobtanium) blower turned off, to lower wear
> and tear, until I need the power.
> Yep, I'm aware of the potential hazard of a senior moment: I have in mind a
> no-blower-no-operate interlock scheme.
> Tia & brgds,
> Dave, W8FGX
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According to the data sheet for this tube and from talking to the folks at CPI 
(Eimac) directly, forced air cooling is absolutely mandatory whenever current 
is applied to the filament.  

I know from personal experience that a few minutes of filament heating without 
forced air cooling makes the tube very hot to the touch.  It is easy to 
believe that the seals would overheat if this condition were permitted to 
continue for greater lengths of time.

I would much prefer to replacement worn out blower than to replace the 


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