[Amps] Fixing scratched meters

Jim Barber audioguy at charter.net
Tue Sep 8 16:14:12 PDT 2009

I second the Novus suggestion. I use it on my acrylic/plexi windscreens 
and face shields all the time.

If you have scratches that you can feel with your fingernail, start with 
#3 , rub till dry and "not catchy" then go to #2 and stay there until 
all visible scratches are gone or "good enough". #1 is pretty much just 
a finishing polish and anti-stat, not really abrasive.

 From then on, clean meters by spraying #1 onto a clean cotton or 
microfiber cloth, then polishing to dry.

Expensive for all 3 grades and *lots* of rubbing required, but perfect 
results with a little practice and also useful for car gauge overlays, 
taillight and headlight lenses, aquariums, etc. Pretty much any 
gloss-finish plastic.

Once scratches are removed, Plexus (different product) also works well 
for cleaning, polish and antistat, and is available in a spray can from 
most motorcycle shops.

Too much info, but one more: DON'T use paper or cheap, plastic-fiber 
towelling for this or other polishing jobs. Cotton and (better!) 
microfiber rule here.

Jim, N7CXI

David C. Hallam wrote:
> Take a look at the Novus line of cleaning and polishing compounds for 
> plexiglass.  Any marine or plastic supply houses should carry them.
> David
> Ian Hill - K8MM wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I have a couple of SB-200's that have scratches in the meter lenses. 
>> Does anyone know of a good way to polish them AND have them remain clear 
>> and micro-scratch free?
>> Ian - K8MM
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