[Amps] 76ca

K8LEEWMM at aol.com K8LEEWMM at aol.com
Wed Sep 9 12:30:26 PDT 2009

I have acquired a nice 76ca that has been converted to a pair of 3cx800,s  .
The challenge now is that it also has been converted to 50mhz.
On my first testing done, it worked very good. After running some test I  
slowing loaded 
the amp up for near max output. Within about 2 minutes the original plate  
lead suppressor went 
up in smoke. The 100ohm resisters opened.
I have talked too and tried some of ag6k,s fix,s but no real steps  forward.
I have tried  parasitic suppressors from a Drake L4B , the single "U"  type 
with no change.
It does have a tuned grid input unit mounted on the back, to me it seems to 
 tune much too sharp?
The plate choke looks non original, issue there?
                                   thanks for ur thoughts
                              wayne k8lee

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