[Amps] SB221 Low Power Help

Gudguyham at aol.com Gudguyham at aol.com
Wed Sep 9 17:08:43 PDT 2009

If you have a bad tube low emission I mean, it very well may change the  
input tuning and therefore you may think your input tuning is faulty when its  
In a message dated 9/9/2009 5:05:57 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
sub1 at rogerhalstead.com writes:

Rahul Sathe wrote:
> Thanks for the post  Jay,
> VSWR "high" is above 2... particularly on 20 and 15. the  same can not be
> tuned with the stock input coils. On other bands it is  well matched...
> mostly below 1.2.
> If I ignore the  current reading... and look in my "Bird" on  CW or RTTY 
> it  reads max 400 to 450W for a ~100 W drive. Of course I can live with  
> power... but not with a faulty(?) amp that too like SB 221  !
> Well I also have a Solid State with 4 pills that can do  better than 
> 221 @ 60 to 80W input.
Pills?  Are those for the headache when it doesn't  work?


Roger (K8RI)
>  73  Rahul
> On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 9:03 PM, Jay Musikar  <af2c at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> GM/GE  Rahul -
>> I would think that the group might need more  information:
>> 1.  You state high input VSWR.   Please define "high."
>> 2.  Let's forget the current reading  for the moment and let us know what
>> the output of the amp with  about 100W of drive.
>> The metering on the SB220/221 is  notorious for inaccurate over the 
>>  Replacement of the  metering board or component resistors is not 
>> but in many  cases we live with it by careful tuning and a Watt  meter.
>> You really may not have a  problem.
>> 73,
>>  Jay/AF2C
>> --- On Tue, 9/8/09, Rahul Sathe  <vu3raz at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> From: Rahul Sathe <vu3raz at gmail.com>
>>>  Subject: [Amps] SB221 Low Power Help
>>> To:  amps at contesting.com
>>> Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 11:32  AM
>>> Hello Experts,
>>> My name is  Rahul call VU3RAZ. This is my first post to the
>>> list. I  am
>>> seeking help on fixing my old  SB221.
>>> as such the amp works on all bands, no  arc or parastatics,
>>> tuning and
>>> loading is  smooth and easy.. I am not able to load the amp
>>> to full  rated
>>> plate current even with a 100 W drive with my 756  Pro3.
>>> Input VSWR is high,
>>> I tried tuning the  input tuned circuit but no luck on few
>>> bands (20,  15).
>>> With the 756 ATU the things improve but I can not get  plate
>>> current beyond ~
>>> 400 mA. Even tried  disconnecting HT from each tube to see
>>> if one if  the
>>> 3-500 is dead... both work but even with single tube I  am
>>> not able to load
>>> the amp fully. Am I  looking at dead (weak) tubes ... can
>>> both of them  show
>>> exact same behavior? Or I am missing something I am  not
>>> sure if I need to re
>>> build the  PSU  (replace caps)
>>> Please  help...
>>> 73
>>> DE  VU3RAZ
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