[Amps] AM mode

Tomas Hood nw7us.heliophile at gmail.com
Fri Sep 11 16:57:44 PDT 2009

Ok - I wanted to confirm what I think is the proper way to run a
linear amp (mine is the Ameritron AL-80A) in AM mode.

If I set my Power Output level to 25% of the maximum carrier power
rated for my amp (85 watts) (25% is 21 watts on my Icom IC-7000),
then, if my mic gain is modulating well, I will not run over the peak
of 85 input to the Amp.  Is that correct?  When I speak into the mic,
should I see the power output fluctuate between the carrier-only power
(just less than 200 watts), to something a bit higher?  Talking should
cause the power output to "modulate", correct?

Thanks for helping me clarify.

73 de NW7US, Tomas David Hood - Bitterroot Valley of Montana

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