[Amps] SB-200 Low output power on 80M

Ian Hill - K8MM ihk8mm at charter.net
Sat Sep 12 14:58:42 PDT 2009

k7fm wrote:
> Hello Ian:
> Often, output drops off on the lowest band because either the rf choke 
> or the rf choke bypass cap is inadequate, or the coupling cap might be 
> less than optimum.
> That should not be the case in the Heath, but try this.  Load up at 4 
> MHz. Then, load up at 3.5 MHz.  If the output drops off at the low 
> end, it might be an indication that these items might be checked.  
> That should tell you whether it is frequency related or band related.  
> There is a difference.
> 73,  Colin  K7FM
I tried the tuning up and the bottom and the top end of the band. The 
amp puts out 150 more watts when loaded up at the top end of the band 
verses the bottom.

Ian - K8MM

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