[Amps] Eimac SK-800B Socket

Jim Barber audioguy at charter.net
Wed Sep 23 11:55:10 PDT 2009

Assuming the item is otherwise clean:

One relatively low-risk method is to line a glass dish with aluminum 
foil, then soak the item in a heated (boiling or close) preparation of 
1/4 cup ordinary baking soda to a gallon of water.

Don't leave the item in longer than necessary. (usually 5-20 minutes 
gives maximum effect, or until the water cools) Rinse well with clear 
water, blow off with compressed air if available and let air-dry 
overnight. Discard the used solution.

Note the aluminum foil mentioned above is a necessary component of the 

My .02,
Jim, N7CXI

Pete Raymond, N4KW wrote:
> I have an Eimac SK-800B socket that I would like to clean up and remove the 
> tarnish etc.  Any suggestions as to the best method to do this.
> Also looking for three toe clamps used to mount the SK-800B.
> 73 Pete N4KW
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