[Amps] TL-922 on 17 Meters

Dennis W0JX w0jx at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 24 17:57:09 PDT 2009

Your TL-922 will operate fine on 17 meters. However, you MUST use the 15 meter position. The reason for this is that the input network will not pass 18 Mhz RF in the 20 meter position but the 15 meter input networks will.
To get adequate drive, you will have to use the antenna tuner in your transceiver to match the input impedance present with the 21 MHZ input network on 18 MHZ.
There is one serious precaution you should observe. The TL-922 bandswitch is a weak spot in the amplifier. Because you would be using the 15 meter band position, the output tank Q will be considerably higher and the RF current through the bandswitch will be higher than normal. So I would not push the amp and would run it at lower output, say 900 watts.
73, Dennis W0JX/8


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