[Amps] Dimished Tube Life

Ron Youvan ka4inm at tampabay.rr.com
Fri Sep 25 07:06:37 PDT 2009

> What a Crap answer, in reality nothing that you could even measure, don't
> even worry about it

>> 4 hours

>>> I wonder, and I hope someone can offer a reasonable explanation. If I turn
>>> on my AL 1500 Amplifier, which uses the 8877 indirectly heated cathode tube
>>> when I come into the shack and then 4 hours later, I turn off the amplifier
>>> and go about my business, how much have I shortened that tubes' life ?

   It is an answer from an engineer's mind that is complete correct and both provable and 
a "given."  Nothing wears out things with more certainty that using them.
If you don't understand this, read more "Dilbert," much more.
    Ron  KA4INM - I'm proud to be Chuck's pop!

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