[Amps] Dimished Tube Life

Roger sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
Tue Sep 29 11:22:19 PDT 2009

saul_abrams at dps.state.ny.us wrote:
> I may be mistaken, but I recall reading on the Alpha Radio site an answer 
> to the question of when to turn off the amp.  I think Alpha said that if 
> you are not going to use the amp for an hour or more, turn it off.  Of 
> course, the "well engineered" Alpha may not have the inrush  problems of 
> other amps.  Check out their site.  73  Saul  K2XA 
IIRC the Alphas all use Oxide coated, Indirectly heated cathodes which 
are not nearly as susceptible to the inrush current problem.  OTOH that 
type takes a typical 3 minutes (give or take) to warm up.


Roger (K8RI)
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