[Amps] Why no images allowed?

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Sun Aug 15 05:45:24 PDT 2010

Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2010 08:29:28 -0000
From: "Bill VanAlstyne W5WVO" <w5wvo at cybermesa.net>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Why no images allowed?

That is the reason Yahoo! Groups went to the system they currently have. 
Nobody has to download the attachment unless they are interested in it. But 
everybody gets a LINK to the attachment that appears at the bottom of the 
email message. If you want to see the attachment, click on the link. 
Otherwise, you never incur the download time penalty. Works very well, and 
all attachments are scanned by Yahoo! for malware, viruses, etc before 
being archived.

Bill W5WVO

## Agreed.   Not being able to post pix,files,etc here on AMPS  really sucks.

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ham_amplifiers/    Now over here, there
is hundreds of pix, files, complete books etc.  Lot's of hb amps, 5 kw- 6m amps,
2x gs35b amps,  3CX-6000A7 amps,  10 kw tuners, 15kw remote ant switch's
etc.   If you want to see how hot the torroid tank coil in an Emtron DX-4 actually
gets.. PA3DUV  has a pix whereby he points the IR gun at the tank coil  [224 deg C]
Also pix of blown up 10 kw amidon baluns, blown up dx eng 10 kw remote switch box's

later... Jim   VE7RF

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