[Amps] Can I cool too much the tubes?

Roger sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
Mon Aug 16 12:52:21 PDT 2010

  Hey! If it lasts through one of my 10 minute monologues it's certainly 
good enough for contests.
OTOH the amp I use has a multi speed fan. However it will run a long 
time at 1500 out on digital before the fan ever speeds up.


Roger (K8RI)

On 8/16/2010 1:40 PM, Colin Lamb wrote:
> "I guess the fundamental question is why did Ten Tec select 90 CFM fan instead of 250 CFM."
> Assume amp designed with 250 cfm fan and going to review to marketing, this might be the conversation:
> Marketing: "This thing is too loud, no one will buy it."
> Engineering: "250 cfm is what is necessary during a contest, to adequately cool the tube."
> Marketing:  "No one will buy this thing, it sounds like a vacuum cleaner."
> Engineering:  "I can cool it with 90 cfm, but then it will overheat at altitude, or during hot weather, or when heavily used."
> Marketing: "Drop it to 90, we have to sell it."
> Engineering: "No way.  I am going to management and tell them you are screwing around with the amp.  You are no engineer."
> A week later:
> Marketing: "Next time just do as we tell you.  You darn engineers think you know everything.  If we listened to you and your paranoia, we would go broke."
> Amp goes out the door with 90 cfm.
> This is a hypothetical story, of course.  It never is like that in the real world.
> 73,  Colin  K7FM
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